Because I’m not an American citizen and wasn’t born here I will most likely always have the ability to see other cultures' sides as they talk about world politics. I am apolitical and in addition to sports, gossip, and drama – politics is rarely on my discussion topics. For various reasons I don’t even want to get into.
However, since this is a site to help wake people up to their own power (because I truly believe you are so incredibly powerful), I do have to talk about some issues from time to time. The control that is being exercised on us as a human race is at times mind boggling to me. What is ten thousand times more flabbergasting to me is the fact that we actually believe the crap we’re being told.
If you truly want to become a different person from the inside out, here are only 2 things for you to do this week (then watch the amazing change in you):
Step 1: Go on a media diet for 7 days. Do not watch any TV (with the exception of Step 2 below), don’t read any magazines or newspapers and do not listen to the radio for 7 days (not even the music channels). If you want to listen to music do so listening to your own CDs, just make sure you stay away from commercials.
Step 2: Watch this movie at least once over the next 7 days: The movie takes about 2 hours. Make sure not to watch it in pieces but watch it all at once.
I’m going to “warn” you and give you a heads up. Do not get angry at me for having asked you to watch the movie. Wake up and realize what is going on in this world. Then make a decision that you are indeed different. You are awake. You are all powerful and you are your own creator. Your life will change dramatically after watching this movie because other like-kind messages will be coming to you and wake you up even more. Some of it will call you higher because it will call you to action. And at times the actions to take seem too overwhelming for one person, and thus we often give up with the attitude: “I’m just one person, what can I do!”
Don’t give up – there is a huge reason you are reading this, there is an even bigger reason why you have chosen to be on this planet at this time. And it’s not to twiddle your thumbs and smile at the birds and the bees.
And when you have passed your 7 days, I would love to hear how you’re doing.
Much courage and consciousness to all of you!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Wake Up - This is Real
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
7:58 AM
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I just watched it...I have seen/read bits and pieces of what the film talks about over the years. I have been likened to Fox Mulder from the X Files by some but I have always known there is some great sham going on.
I am partly disturbed and partly wide eyed right now. I have always believed in Jesus but not the religion that claims His name. But the coincidences are remarkable.
So I have sent my thoughts to the Supreme to help me sort things out, help me find answers and keep seeking the truth!! I think that is part of all of our purpose here. Seek and ye shall find, yes?
And yes, I am still very confident that I came to you/your site for a reason. My journey just got a little weirder!! But better. Thank you for sharing this video. Everything looks different today.
Lot's of love your way!
Yes, Lionel, very disturbing and sobering at the same time. I have a few of those websites if you care to read more into things like these.
In the end, remember that you are the king and god of your own Universe. You make reality what you want it to be. When I meditate I see "figures" and "people" and "angels" and "beings" from who knows where - and I would never try to prove they existed or deny that they are "real" on some other level. It's not my job to do so. They are here to be my guidance system and I graciously and gratefully accept their help. We have been brain washed on many levels and unfortunately with some of the most sacred and holy acts any human can perform - and when someone comes along and disturbs that picture and belief in us, we tend to react with disbelief. And that's okay. It's all part of the journey. And the truth remains the truth no matter where each of us is on our journey. One day all of our paths will lead to that one truth, no matter how long it takes each of us.
No one is asking you to make a decision either way. You can sit with it until you "feel" the truth or know the truth, you can take pieces and leave other things, or you can just dismiss it and let it go as hog-wash. It was put on my humans; humans make errors and are rarely right for everyone, just for themselves. The full truth, however, is revealed in each of us, and we only have access to that part of us by listening to that wisdom within (not by listening to other people's wisdom). People are here to share their truth, which may ring truth for others and thus we grow. Whatever you want, it's your journey, and there is no right or wrong for you.
So far, you've learned that you "ask and you shall receive" and that this never fails. You've witnessed it over the past few weeks and shared it with me. This too is another situation where when you "ask and you shall receive" whatever answer is right for you.
Being on my site opens not only your mind, but it opens all of your soul and your chakras and your path to see at a wider angle, perhaps even at a 360 degree viewpoint. And discomfort always precedes growth! Blessings always proceed giving birth to whatever you are giving birth to; a new idea, a new belief, a new mind set, etc.
You're on the right track and your own higher wisdom will clearly guide you and reveal itself to you if you truly want it to. Of that I'm confident.
PS: I don't believe 100% of everything that I hear or see, including this documentary. It's about self-empowerment, thinking with my own brain rather than being fed BS to. However, watching it every 3 months or so provides me with fascinating new plateaus that I have grown up to but was previously unaware of. And in between each new plateau there is new wisdom being revealed. Like a puzzle piece that one day I get to finish...
All very true my friend! I do feel as though another part of my mind has been opened lately and I am experiencing some birthing pains. Yes, I would love to check out the other sites you read. It is so clear to me right now that I am on the path to a higher state of enlightenment, and have been always...things just seem so intense lately...
I was just outside letting the wind dry a tea stain on my shirt when I realized I need more quite time...time to let the wind talk to let answers come instead of searching all the time...peace...
Thanks again for sharing my journey and yours. If you want to email me the sites, I would love that!
Peace my friend, peace.
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