Skin Issues:
When I was born for example, I was plagued with extreme eczema to the point where my skin was bleeding in many areas over my body. I was haunted by allergies all year round and my mother had to take me to the University of Zurich to get tested. I was a little girl and to this day remember the fear of needles I developed from having been poked and prodded so much.
Over the years on a journey of self discovery and healing I have learned a lot about body symbols. Today I get compliments about my nice skin. Pure coconut oil is all I put on my skin today and I make sure to get a little bit of sun every day. No one would ever have thought that I grew up with skin that was broken and leathery and covered in patches of unhealthy tissue. Doctors were here to fix the symptoms, to fix the effects. So I was given cortisone shots and creams and solutions to bathe in; I was forbidden to eat this and that and couldn’t touch animals and on and on the list went.

The cause, however, was within me, and me only. It wasn’t within my parents and it wasn’t within the doctors, it was only within me. And because I was a little girl, I wasn’t wise enough to know what this cause was. And my parents weren’t conscious enough to know what to look for or how to interpret the symbols. Today with hindsight being my best friend, I realize that I never wanted to be on this planet in the first place. I was uncomfortable in my skin and didn’t want to be here. The Universe took my discomfort and my unwillingness to be on this planet and created the outward appearance to make my wish its command. Thus my attempted suicide when I was 15. It’s that simple.
Pimples and Acne:
Teenagers get pimples and acne and there is a perfectly logical medical explanation for it, as there is for everything else. And medicine for it is plentiful. However, did it ever occur to anyone that a teenager’s real job is to break free and break away from their parents in order to find themselves and be ready to move out at 18 (or thereabouts)? For those of you who have teenagers, you know that you bud heads with your teenager a lot more than you did with your 5 year old. My 15 year old daughter asked: “Why is it that you push my buttons like no one else? And how is it that you’re always in my face?” And I told her: “It’s your job to separate from me by finding your Self. And you do that by finding how far you can push your boundaries. So you push and push and when the rubber band snaps and you’ve gone too far, I pull you back to teach you some more life lessons so you can be ready to move out soon and be a responsible and conscious adult.”
There are only three words here that reveal why teenagers have pimples and acne: “In my face.”
As adults we constantly are in teenagers’ faces and we tell them what to do, we punish them and we are constantly “nagging” them to do things differently. Of course as parents we do this in the name of love. But to the teenager we are nags and if we would just get out of their faces, they’d be better off (at least that’s what they think). If you are a parent and your teenager has a lot of acne and pimples and you don’t feel that you’re in your teenager’s face all the time, don’t get mad at me. Look at the evidence as it never lies. Even if your teenager says you’re the best parent ever, there is still a subconscious opinion that you’re in their face too much.
What about pimples on your body? “Get off my back!” Who is on your back that’s causing your body wanting to get rid of them? And don’t blame it on your age or the hormone changes. Those are just excuses.

A couple of days ago I was stretching next to a young man in his 20s whom I hadn’t seen at the gym in a couple of weeks. He said that he hurt his other shoulder by dropping weights on his “good shoulder.” He pointed to his right shoulder and said that this was his bad shoulder. And I logically thought to myself that he had a tough childhood and serious unresolved issues going on with his father. Subconsciously the shoulders are where we carry life’s burdens. The right shoulder reflects the masculine side, or issues with their own masculinity or our fathers. Then he told me that he dropped the weight on his good shoulder, the left one. And I thought to myself that he’s carrying around some unresolved issues relating to femininity, his mother or a girlfriend. As we started to talk I found out that his mother came to the US when she was 7 months pregnant, to give birth to him. She then went back to France where she moved in with her Mom and then left her son (this young man) with his grandmother until he was 5 years old. When he was 5 she called for him and he moved to Los Angeles. Today he’s in his 20s and he doesn’t talk to his father anymore and wants nothing to do with him (thus his right shoulder issues) and the left shoulder is easily explainable with his journey trying to make sense of the female species. He’s carrying a heavy burden on both shoulders from both masculine and feminine. And until he resolves these issues his shoulders will not have a chance to heal.

So how can he fix his shoulder? By taking MRIs, taking pain killers, doing stretches and exercises?
Or by dealing with the real issues at heart?
Our bodies are just symbols that are talking to us. All we need to do is listen. Our bodies want to be our biggest advocates and best friends. They want to be here to serve us so we can go through this life journey with a healthy vehicle that will serve us with energy and pleasure, not pain and discomfort (which only removes our willingness to complete our purpose here).
Remember that there is always only ONE cause, which is always inside you. There are always multiple effects, which are always outside. You can never fix a cause by fixing the ripple effects. Chasing after ripple effects on a lake will prove to be a waste of time. Go after the cause, it’s much quicker, it’s permanent and it will set you free.
Our bodies are amazing tools and symbols and if we just pay attention then we can live this life with eyes wide open. We become our own healers as we learn that we are the doers of every ailment we carry, from the smallest pimple to even cancer. The answers and the cure are always inside of us.
My entire 6-hour Audio CD and e-Book talks about these topics. If you want to get true healing from the inside out and be the healer of your own life, visit http://www.inspirationtolive.com/ and get your own copy today.
Sending you awakening rays of sunlight to reveal your path to health.
1 comment:
Thanks for the emails! My brain has really been spinning lately. It's like I have this nervousness to me lately like something is on the brink of something...vague enough???
I am on the edge of something.
I am on the verge of something.
I am at a crossroads of something.
What? I don't know but I do know these won't be the last edges, verges, or crossroads on my journey.
Thanks for tagging along!
love and light
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