Hello Everyone,
I apologize for the long delay on having contributed to my own blog. Last week during my last update called "Flow," I was actually at home feeling sick with a stomach flu. What looked and felt like a stomach flu was in reality in a bursting appendix. I was hospitalized in the middle of the night early on Wednesday morning, for a ruptured appendix removal. There were some complications and although I just returned home, I am taking the time to heal my body and give it the well deserved rest it needs. Plus, I'm not quite "done yet" with the lessons I have learned over these past 7 days, which I gratefully want to share with you.
Hope you had a great last week and stay tuned!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Recovery Time
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
7:24 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
The following poem was written by Rita & Joel McInnis. The title of the poem is called "Flow." The poem happens to describe the meaning of my name, and it happens to be the blueprint by which I want to live my life. Perhaps you'll understand yourself a little better after reading it yourself.
As water is
Without friction
Flow around the edges
Of those within your path
Surround within your ever-moving depths
Those who come to rest there –
Enfold them
While never for a moment holding on
Accept whatever distance
Others are moved within your flow
Be with them gently
As far as they allow your strength to take them
And fill with your own being
The remaining space when they are left behind
When dropping down life’s rapids
Froth and bubble into fragments if you must
Knowing that the one of you now many
Will just as many times be one again
And when you’ve gone as far as you can go
Quietly await your next beginning...
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
6:41 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
When I'm So Sad...
I am okay
I am not broken
I may just be out of sync
And out of balance
Crying helps
Although it’s exhausting
I’m tired
I need a moment
To regain my Self
To reconnect to my Self
My Higher Self
Take a deep breath
He’s out there
No worries
No fretting
No squeezing any square pegs into round holes
Not necessary
No taking steps backwards
Look forward
Learn from the past
Then let it goThe world is changing
Energy is moving
All the time
People make lasting impressions
Embedded into our energy patterns
I carry with me all of the encounters
Important and unimportant
Deep or shallow
They’re with me
On my journey to resolve my karma
What is my karma?
It’s never too late
To change for the better
Never too late
To change karma
Take responsibility
There is always only one cause
And within
There’s nothing without
Only within

Take your own
Give your own
Share your own
To multiply I must divide myself
To receive others I must give myself
And so I pray for my enemies

I pray for their health
And wish them peace
I bless them with happiness
I bring them love
And forgiveness
I bless them with honesty
And remorse
And excitement
Long life
And justice
A sense of heavenly bliss
All these things I wish upon my enemies

I turn and transmute
The feelings of darkness
Into pure love and light
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
6:05 PM
Making Pitchers Overflow vs. Creating Deserts

I have created some picture- and photo-illustrations to make my point clear. And please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to fix what “Adam and Eve” seemingly have screwed up for all humanity from the beginning of time. The illustrations hopefully will bring some consciousness to those of you who are hurting (including myself).
The percentages here are perhaps a drastic exaggeration, maybe they are an under-exaggeration. As long as it gets the point across:
If women are “wired” so that their needs are 90% Emotional and 10% Physical, then it is only logical that men’s “wiring make-up” is the opposite: 10% Emotional and 90% Physical.

“Why can’t women be more sexual and physical and leave the drama outside the bedroom door?” you may ask.
It is believed that the planet is made up of 97% water. And it is believed that we as humans consist of 80-90% water. In reality there is a discrepancy because the equation has to be equal. Either the planet is made up of 80-90%, as we are. Or humans are made up of 97% water as is the planet. I’d say it’s easier to measure the water content of a human being, than it is to measure all of the water on this vast planet. Perhaps there is more landmass than we originally thought of? Maybe there is a surface beneath our broad seas that has remained undiscovered?
Whatever the case may be, just like the planet is complex, we as humans are just as complex, if not more so. The planet, however, has figured out how to work with masculine and feminine energy by mastering its giving and re-giving principle that keeps this entire galaxy in balance. In fact, every animal and plant submits to this balance. It is only us, humans, who constantly and flagrantly bring ourselves willingly out of balance. Only so we can blame our male or female counterpart for our bad choices and failures.
Why do we do this to ourselves? What is it about humans that leaves us to become “suckers for suffering?” When is Enough truly enough? How sick and how unhappy must we get before we start living and enjoying the happiness we have agreed to come here to experience?

Look at this picture here. If both pitchers are full, both partners have enough to give to overflow and give back to humanity. Yes, women in general do need more emotional “feeding” and men need more physical fulfillment. And in doing so the circle of life and energy has found its opposite end of the pole.
The complaints and concerns I have gotten from the men, which all range from the physical arena by not getting any or very little sex at home, to them feeling drained by having to work so much because the wife wants to stay home and spend his money. Men don’t understand that when a woman spends money on clothes or goes to the spa or gets cosmetic surgery or whatever she spends his money on, that she’s trying to fill up her emotional “pitcher” so she can continue giving her nurturing Self to her children and her friends. Women don’t understand that by withholding her body from her beloved husband, she is emptying and drying up his pitcher content that he needs to have the energy and the desire to continue go out there and work for the family. Both lose. Both get sick over time. And there is no other way than for Mother Nature to reflect the drought these couples have brought upon themselves to the outside world in form of a separation or divorce.
When the earth stops giving moisture to the heavens, the heavens are incapable of re-giving the moisture in form of rain so grass and flowers and beauty can grow: thus a desert is born.
The same principle applies to us humans and the land of marriage. Yet so many are living in the Sahara Desert when it comes to our marriage. We have stopped giving what the other so desperately needs to bloom and live...
Neither of us, male nor female, understand that each of us is only a half cycle of the full life cycle.
I started to teach a new class of 19 exquisite and wonderful women this past week. One of our classes this week was how women relate to money so differently than men. The questions and answers revealed how “old tapes” from growing up have embedded a strong belief in us that we are still to be provided for by our men. Not one woman realized that she could have her own relationship with money and that as long as she treated money like her best friend, money would stick around and bless her in only the best ways, just like a husband who has all his needs met would continually provide for her in every thinkable way. The conversation took a turn to marriages where couples are truly married for love, and one very mature woman who happens to be a psychologist, shared that the only successful and happy marriages she has ever seen is where the husband almost “worships” the woman and the woman reciprocates that treatment by treating him “like a god” as well.
We need each other so much and yet by kicking in our heals as women by demanding emotional love we only frustrate our men. And by men demanding sex even if their women have nothing to give emotionally, they too will soon “run on empty.”
I only have one piece of advice to give to those who are in this situation. Take out a piece of paper and write a note to the Universe, God, the Heavens, the Light Source, whatever you believe in. Write down something like this but in your own words:
“Thank you for giving me my one and only life partner who unconditionally loves and adores me and whom I love and respect as well. S/he’s now in my life and I am filled with true and unconditional love and I am so grateful. If this is my current partner, then open my eyes so I can see what I have previously not been able to see. If this is someone else, then I thank you for revealing this partner to me now and I gratefully release my current partner in love so s/he can find his/her rightful partner as well. And so it is.”
Warning: I wrote something like this several years ago while I was still married. It was as if the Universe was saying: "Finally, she's given us permission to set her free." A week later my husband and I agreed to separate. Our frequencies were so far apart that the electric Universe had no choice but to deliver my request. Although shocked and in tears, I realized that I had gotten exactly what I asked for. So don't be suprised if life is about forever to change for you as well.
You were blessed with a soul to embody a physical 4-layered body suit so you could come here to live a glorious live that embodies our true light source. Not satisfying the trust that was given you to live such a magnificent life is insulting the light you are and preventing your light source to shine through you.
It’s time for you to get back home to your true Self and stop compromising and giving up pieces of your Self until you have become a dry Desert.
So go after your true Self and remain your authentic individual self once and for all…Only then can you find your true life partner and together you’ll be able to experience overflowing pitchers that can give back to the vast sea of people who need your blessings and love.
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
10:29 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Heart Breaks - And the Power of Sound
What organ(s) specifically hurt when we say “my heart is broken”? After all, if we would be hooked up to an EKG machine right after or during a “heart break” we’d be surprised to find out that the EKG won’t signal any major changes that would indicate the diagnosis of a heart break.
So with all of us experiencing emotional pain at some point in our lives, what part of us exactly is affected?
Why is it that, when we get hit or spanked as a child, we may remember the memory of the event but what truly brings us pain are the words that went along with the spanking. How many of you have been hit as a child and when you think about it today and try to determine which body part hurts even to this day, there isn’t one you can detect. However, if the hitting was accompanied by “you’re such a bad girl/boy” or “you’re so dumb” or “you’ll never amount to anything” – those are words that to all eternity stay with us and it is those that bring forth the same sinking feeling that we got when we first heard them.
Granted, we live and we grow and we resolve and we forgive and we let go. And over time we heal, although we may never forget…
When I was 15 I had a death experience during which I was privileged enough to float through a tunnel and see the light. I was given a moment in eternity’s time to “touch” the light and become one with it. Yet “touching” this light was all I needed to sustain me to move forward once back in this world. What amazed me most was the knowing that became so apparent, about what was truth and what was not. With a 360 degree view on every plane, emotional, physical, spiritual, karmic, and so on, it became obvious that the humming of angels that I heard was in fact the means of transportation, the engine if you will.
There are absolutely no words in the English language that would suffice to describe the love and beauty that I experienced during those moments. I remember first waking up and coming back to this life and the first and most profound “thing” was the overwhelming feeling of love that I felt while being transported through this amazing place. Slowly and day after day the experience unfolded before me as I was able to process it and make sense of it. It still is to this day.
What has stayed with me and what I have finally started to realize over the past few years, is that everything that exists and does not exist, is on the basis of sound. For musicians this may be balm to their soul, because they already know what the rest of the world doesn’t know. Music is healing (provided it is soothing to ones soul).
Decades ago an experiment was made by a man named Chladney. By putting sand on metal plates of different sizes and then pulling a violin string along the metal plate, he created a sound, which caused the sand to start “dancing” and reformat itself to beautiful designs upon the plates. Today, Dr. Emoto is doing the same kind of work by photographing water in its frozen state. Over the decades we have simply become more sophisticated to demonstrate what we already know: sound is all there is for us to know and work with because it is created by light. With sound we heal. With sound we destroy. To get to the "right" types of sound we have to get connected to the light source. The one and only.
Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf Education) wrote books about the 7-year cycle, which every human submits to. It’s a rhythm that we each undergo, as does everything else in the world. Based on his studies he proved that the lungs are the last organs to develop in a child, which is around 14 years old. According to Steiner, a child that has to listen to negativity, yelling, drama, gossip and other non-sense most of this world offer, will not develop healthy organs but retarded organs, which later comes back to bite us in form of ailments in our older age.
A few years ago I became a Reiki Master and with the symbols given I was amazed to find out that by a simple laying on of hands I would be able to help someone get rid of a migraine in just a couple of minutes. Later I found out that if I can blow on the painful area and put my hands on the surrounding area, that the healing would take place more permanently and much quicker. Then I remembered the sounds in “the tunnel” and I asked the Spirit world to provide me with the key notes to use the right sounds to help someone. Yes, this sounds weird, but if you’ve read the previous post on Hiring the Heavens, and you’ve tried it, then this is not a surprise to you. Suddenly I started to realize that I intuitively know what sounds to make and where on the body someone is hurting. By making the appropriate sound (and I never know what sound comes out of me) the frequency of the painful area seems to get scrambled and the pain disappears. When I intuitively look into a person's body that is hurting, all I see is dense electric areas of specific colors. I only use my hands to fill that space with love and light, once the pain has left. Then I realized that by using my voice even while I talk to a person, without them even knowing, there is a frequency that is emitted to them and their pain is leaving by just talking to me, even if the topic we’re talking about has noting to do with their ailment. That is why I decided to record my e-book onto a 6-hour CD. Almost everyone who has bought the audio book tells me that they are transported into a deep meditative state and they often fall asleep. I'm being assured that it is not because it's boring, because it certainly isn't, but that it's because of my voice. And everyone loves the feeling they get. It's a feeling of healing...
I’m not saying these things to get clients or to brag – because I don’t take clients and this is not the work that I do. I am sharing this with you because you too have a frequency that you emit every time you talk. I am going to take this a bit further and say that you not only emit this frequency when you open your mouth, but also when you look at someone, especially when your eyes meet. And going even further, I am sharing with you that your frequency gets emitted to your surroundings by you simply existing and being in a certain location. You don’t even have to look at someone or talk to someone, you influence the place you’re in, whether you like it or not.
So let’s get back to hearts that are broken. First of all, our hearts are not breakable. It’s a figure of speech and yet it’s one that we all have experienced and that is very real to all of us. By using some simple sound techniques you can heal your own heart, rather than hoping that the person who hurt you will bring you healing, or your children, or your spouse, or someone or something else.
Here it is:
You may say: “That’s it!? All I have to do is hum? That’s too easy!”
You don’t have to be a singer and come up with any melody to hum and heal your own heart. All you have to do is hum. Close your eyes and take on a comfortable position, sit on a bench out in nature or better yet, sit on the grass or in the woods on a tree trunk or stay standing hugging a tree. Feel Mother Nature running through your veins, imagine your blood running through your body, follow the red and white blood cells, examine them, be amazed at them. Watch your own atoms as they are changing and forever working in service to you, be in awe because you’re a magnificent Being. Then silently ask your guidance system to help you hum the right notes to break loose any non-beneficial cells that may be blocking you from moving forward and from renewing yourself. Start humming ever so slowly and at a level that maybe only you can hear. This is not about coming up with a new one hit wonder – this is about breaking loose non-beneficial pain and cells that are ready to be let go of.
Another way of starting is to let yourself float out into the Universe and visit other galaxies and to let “them” show you the humming sound of the Universe. When I do this all I hear is a deep electric sound. Most people call this the Om. You can start there, although I want to caution you. The Universe has its own vibration, which is the Om. You on the other hand have your own key stroke, and I can’t tell you what yours is, because mine may be different than yours. You’ll have to find your own.
And the last way to get this key is to focus on your neck area when you meditate. There is a little flame, a pilot light if you will, that shines brighter some days and not so bright other days. It carries the key of your note within it. If you can find this light and tune in to it, then your note will be revealed to you this way.
Yes, it sounds too easy and it is simple. However, the hard part becomes you having the patience until you are revealed your tone so you can hum the exact tune your higher self is giving you. This may very well be one of the most difficult thing you’ll ever do. But when you have figured out the key to your exact tune, you’ll have the key to not only heal your own body, but you can heal your surroundings and your life situations.
Remember to ask for help, and you will receive. Ask for the tune to be shown to you, and it shall be so.
Please let me know how you’re doing on your journey and if you’ve found your key.
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
12:48 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Our Body as Symbols

Skin Issues:
When I was born for example, I was plagued with extreme eczema to the point where my skin was bleeding in many areas over my body. I was haunted by allergies all year round and my mother had to take me to the University of Zurich to get tested. I was a little girl and to this day remember the fear of needles I developed from having been poked and prodded so much.
Over the years on a journey of self discovery and healing I have learned a lot about body symbols. Today I get compliments about my nice skin. Pure coconut oil is all I put on my skin today and I make sure to get a little bit of sun every day. No one would ever have thought that I grew up with skin that was broken and leathery and covered in patches of unhealthy tissue. Doctors were here to fix the symptoms, to fix the effects. So I was given cortisone shots and creams and solutions to bathe in; I was forbidden to eat this and that and couldn’t touch animals and on and on the list went.

The cause, however, was within me, and me only. It wasn’t within my parents and it wasn’t within the doctors, it was only within me. And because I was a little girl, I wasn’t wise enough to know what this cause was. And my parents weren’t conscious enough to know what to look for or how to interpret the symbols. Today with hindsight being my best friend, I realize that I never wanted to be on this planet in the first place. I was uncomfortable in my skin and didn’t want to be here. The Universe took my discomfort and my unwillingness to be on this planet and created the outward appearance to make my wish its command. Thus my attempted suicide when I was 15. It’s that simple.
Pimples and Acne:
Teenagers get pimples and acne and there is a perfectly logical medical explanation for it, as there is for everything else. And medicine for it is plentiful. However, did it ever occur to anyone that a teenager’s real job is to break free and break away from their parents in order to find themselves and be ready to move out at 18 (or thereabouts)? For those of you who have teenagers, you know that you bud heads with your teenager a lot more than you did with your 5 year old. My 15 year old daughter asked: “Why is it that you push my buttons like no one else? And how is it that you’re always in my face?” And I told her: “It’s your job to separate from me by finding your Self. And you do that by finding how far you can push your boundaries. So you push and push and when the rubber band snaps and you’ve gone too far, I pull you back to teach you some more life lessons so you can be ready to move out soon and be a responsible and conscious adult.”
There are only three words here that reveal why teenagers have pimples and acne: “In my face.”
As adults we constantly are in teenagers’ faces and we tell them what to do, we punish them and we are constantly “nagging” them to do things differently. Of course as parents we do this in the name of love. But to the teenager we are nags and if we would just get out of their faces, they’d be better off (at least that’s what they think). If you are a parent and your teenager has a lot of acne and pimples and you don’t feel that you’re in your teenager’s face all the time, don’t get mad at me. Look at the evidence as it never lies. Even if your teenager says you’re the best parent ever, there is still a subconscious opinion that you’re in their face too much.
What about pimples on your body? “Get off my back!” Who is on your back that’s causing your body wanting to get rid of them? And don’t blame it on your age or the hormone changes. Those are just excuses.

A couple of days ago I was stretching next to a young man in his 20s whom I hadn’t seen at the gym in a couple of weeks. He said that he hurt his other shoulder by dropping weights on his “good shoulder.” He pointed to his right shoulder and said that this was his bad shoulder. And I logically thought to myself that he had a tough childhood and serious unresolved issues going on with his father. Subconsciously the shoulders are where we carry life’s burdens. The right shoulder reflects the masculine side, or issues with their own masculinity or our fathers. Then he told me that he dropped the weight on his good shoulder, the left one. And I thought to myself that he’s carrying around some unresolved issues relating to femininity, his mother or a girlfriend. As we started to talk I found out that his mother came to the US when she was 7 months pregnant, to give birth to him. She then went back to France where she moved in with her Mom and then left her son (this young man) with his grandmother until he was 5 years old. When he was 5 she called for him and he moved to Los Angeles. Today he’s in his 20s and he doesn’t talk to his father anymore and wants nothing to do with him (thus his right shoulder issues) and the left shoulder is easily explainable with his journey trying to make sense of the female species. He’s carrying a heavy burden on both shoulders from both masculine and feminine. And until he resolves these issues his shoulders will not have a chance to heal.

So how can he fix his shoulder? By taking MRIs, taking pain killers, doing stretches and exercises?
Or by dealing with the real issues at heart?
Our bodies are just symbols that are talking to us. All we need to do is listen. Our bodies want to be our biggest advocates and best friends. They want to be here to serve us so we can go through this life journey with a healthy vehicle that will serve us with energy and pleasure, not pain and discomfort (which only removes our willingness to complete our purpose here).
Remember that there is always only ONE cause, which is always inside you. There are always multiple effects, which are always outside. You can never fix a cause by fixing the ripple effects. Chasing after ripple effects on a lake will prove to be a waste of time. Go after the cause, it’s much quicker, it’s permanent and it will set you free.
Our bodies are amazing tools and symbols and if we just pay attention then we can live this life with eyes wide open. We become our own healers as we learn that we are the doers of every ailment we carry, from the smallest pimple to even cancer. The answers and the cure are always inside of us.
My entire 6-hour Audio CD and e-Book talks about these topics. If you want to get true healing from the inside out and be the healer of your own life, visit http://www.inspirationtolive.com/ and get your own copy today.
Sending you awakening rays of sunlight to reveal your path to health.
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
9:02 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Wake Up - This is Real
Because I’m not an American citizen and wasn’t born here I will most likely always have the ability to see other cultures' sides as they talk about world politics. I am apolitical and in addition to sports, gossip, and drama – politics is rarely on my discussion topics. For various reasons I don’t even want to get into.
However, since this is a site to help wake people up to their own power (because I truly believe you are so incredibly powerful), I do have to talk about some issues from time to time. The control that is being exercised on us as a human race is at times mind boggling to me. What is ten thousand times more flabbergasting to me is the fact that we actually believe the crap we’re being told.
If you truly want to become a different person from the inside out, here are only 2 things for you to do this week (then watch the amazing change in you):
Step 1: Go on a media diet for 7 days. Do not watch any TV (with the exception of Step 2 below), don’t read any magazines or newspapers and do not listen to the radio for 7 days (not even the music channels). If you want to listen to music do so listening to your own CDs, just make sure you stay away from commercials.
Step 2: Watch this movie at least once over the next 7 days: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com. The movie takes about 2 hours. Make sure not to watch it in pieces but watch it all at once.
I’m going to “warn” you and give you a heads up. Do not get angry at me for having asked you to watch the movie. Wake up and realize what is going on in this world. Then make a decision that you are indeed different. You are awake. You are all powerful and you are your own creator. Your life will change dramatically after watching this movie because other like-kind messages will be coming to you and wake you up even more. Some of it will call you higher because it will call you to action. And at times the actions to take seem too overwhelming for one person, and thus we often give up with the attitude: “I’m just one person, what can I do!”
Don’t give up – there is a huge reason you are reading this, there is an even bigger reason why you have chosen to be on this planet at this time. And it’s not to twiddle your thumbs and smile at the birds and the bees.
And when you have passed your 7 days, I would love to hear how you’re doing.
Much courage and consciousness to all of you!
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
7:58 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hiring Heavenly Help
A few years ago I met Jean Slatter at a dowsing event and she talked about her soon-to-be-published book called “Hiring the Heavens.”
The basic idea is that just like you have a physical Yellow Pages here on Earth there is also a heavenly Yellow Pages (if you make it so). Just like you would hire “earthly” people to help you with certain tasks, you can go to the heavenly Yellow Pages and hire heavenly angels to do work for you. We tend to dismiss anything we can’t see or touch, even if others rave about its power. Before you dismiss this one, read about some ways these heavenly helpers have helped me over the past few years.
Mother-Daughter Experts:
For example, I have a team of “mother-daughter experts” whose responsibility is to help us get along, to communicate and to always love each other. I hired this group of angels to step in powerfully when she and I fight and to be with us as our permanent counselor. And since I’ve hired these angels our relationship has become a lot more open and peaceful.
Note, I have hired angels on a permanent basis and others on a temporary basis. I use the same system as any employment agency would.
Technical Team:
I have “hired” an entire group of “traffic angels” to make sure my car starts, to make space for me when I enter a freeway, to provide a parking space when I get to wherever I need to get to, to serve as a buffer between me and other cars in case anyone comes too close, and an entire group of angels to make sure the mechanics in my car works smoothly. I hire temporary teams when I fly in an airplane and always visualize legions of angels around my plane, and a welcome team to ensure a safe landing, and so on.
I hold literal staff meetings with my angels while I’m driving. This is the time everyone thinks I’m talking on the hands free phone, when in reality I’m talking to my success team of angels. This meeting is to uplift and congratulate the angels for a job well done and to give them new jobs. I’m the CEO of my life, they are my invaluable and invisible helpers.
My Health Team:
I have an entire army of angels that are here to clean out my physical body on a second by second basis. Their job is to transport all the dead cells swiftly and speedily, to make room for the new cells so my body is strong and healthy. I have angels whose job it is to give my physical and etheric bodies gentle heavenly massages to flush out any toxins. I have communication experts that are in charge of making sure there is order within my body and to let me know when it is time to rest. I have not been sick in several years, not even a cold or a terrible headache. Instead I subconsciously know when to take it easy and when to push myself. I listen to them and my body rewards me with health, stamina and amazing energy and health.
Relationship Team:
The slew of experts I have in this department almost borders excess. I have an individual therapist, a relationship therapist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist, anything from cupid to “the devil’s advocate” and anything in between. I want to make sure that I’m not wasting time in this department or get involved when hearts get broken. I have asked to get my karmic lessons without actually having to get involved with anyone. So I have a team of past-life experts who in detail know what my lessons are with certain people (because they were there and they know). Just because I don’t remember all of my previous life times in detail doesn’t mean I can’t call on my angels to help guide me. So I meet men all the time, but never get involved more than an introduction, a handshake and perhaps a dream or vision about my karmic lesson with this person. So rather than getting involved I am able to work through the same karmic work from a distance and in a fraction of time. I admire and adore my helpers for this support!
And of course I have an entire legion of match-maker angels who are paving the path for him and I to meet at the most appropriate time and in the most fun ways, when the time is perfect for both of us. And then I have a “consciousness angel” whose job it is to always keep my eyes and ears open so that I am aware of who comes into my life and why.
The Sifter Team:
I have an entire “sifter team” whose job it is to sift through relationships for me. Just like a tree some people come into my life as a leaf and are blown away at the slightest blow of the wind, they're here perhaps for a season. Others are branches that seem strong but as soon as I need to lean on them for support they crumble. And others are part of the trunk, visible and strong and part of who I am in this life. And others are part of the root, invisible in my day-to-day life, yet part of why I am here. Without these people I couldn’t be here. My sifter team is here to prune this tree, even when it hurts, and to clean up and prepare the tree for the new season.
I have an entire list of teams of angels that are helping me. And I know it sounds super funny or weird almost, but I can’t tell you how much this works in my daily life. I am forever grateful for Jean Slatter for writing this book.
Remember that the most beautiful and most powerful things ever are the things that are SIMPLE. This system is not only simple, it truly works! It is only restricted by the figment of your imagination. So go out there and ask for what ever you want and enjoy receiving it!
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
9:43 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I have been super privileged to get a contract with an amazing organization that provides a one-stop shop where high-potential, lower-income women receive training to start and grow their business. Their mission is to build the entrepreneurial capacity of women to overcome economic and social barriers and achieve self-sufficiency. Having spoken in front of thousands of people in the real estate industry, most of my previous clients were men. It was a financial world, analytical, left-brained, logical and number oriented. Yes, there were women in my audience, but time and time again my audience consisted of 80-95% men. I remember feeling comfortable in that environment because I didn’t feel judged; it was about the subject topic not about me. It was easy and simple: provide the data, make sense and be logical and get out.
Speaking in front of women is a whole new ball game and it has been calling me to new heights. I feel not as easy and “at home” with women than I do with men. And that's why I'm probably doing what I'm doing - so I can learn and grow and give back more value. And yes, this is certainly traced back to my own childhood. I got along much easier with my Dad than I did with my Mom. There always seemed to be judgment and jealousy from my Mom, even to this day. Whether in reality or just in the figment of my imagination – it doesn’t matter. I simply am more comfortable around men. They are who they are, they generally speaking don’t put up a façade and they don’t really change personalities in order to impress anyone. Left is left and right is right, and there's isn't much in between. What you see is what you get type of thing. I find women a lot more complicated and complex, and perhaps because I am more masculine oriented in my thinking, I struggle with the drama of most women. And yes, this is a gross generalization and there are certainly exceptions.
Now back to these women. My class of women is completing their 22 class program today - they are graduating! And in many ways I feel like the proud mama-hen today, helping them fly out of their nests and go out there into the real world and live their dream. They each had a flame burning inside of them, a dream to one day start and own their own businesses. It was my job to bring forth that flame and help them put it into words in form of a business plan. Now the entire world can read about their "flame," which for many is a scary thing. Having been with these women over these past few weeks has humbled me big time. They have obstacles that make me want to cry, and yet they still come, they persevere and their persevere some more and their belief in their dream has pushed them and spurred them on to not give up. In spite of their obstacles.
So what does this have to do with you, my readers?
We get stuck on the rat’s wheel in our every-day lives. Taking care of our employer, rather than becoming an employer, we dedicate our jobs to our family, at least that's the excuse, our children (when all they want is our time), our pets (because they're so helpless), our lawns and our houses (because we carry the mortgage). We go to the grocery store and do our 3,000 thousand mile oil change like clock work. We are human-doings. We become zombies and fall asleep and go through life having lost and even having forgotten our dream to one day make a real difference in our lives and those of others. We may have thought that we would make a difference by winning the Olympics or by building a multi-billion dollar company, and those dreams are long gone. But what about making a difference in just one or two people’s lives today?
Here is a challenge for you today. Go buy a cup of coffee and a pastry and then drive around until you see a homeless person begging for money. Bless the coffee and the pastry and hand it to him or her and wish them the greatest day ever. Look into their eyes when you hand it to them and let them see your teeth like only your dentist knows your teeth (smile!). It might be the only smile they'll get for a long time... And here comes the kicker: don’t tell anyone that you did this. Hold it in and let your feeling of gratitude be with you and you only…then watch what happens - you'll be amazed.
Much grace and courage for everyone today!
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
9:07 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Letting Go - Moving – Changing – New Beginnings
Four years ago and after an almost 15 year marriage my husband and I separated; a year later my daughter and I moved on by selling the house she grew up in and moving into a townhouse. We needed a new beginning, a new start, in a new place where we would make new memories…
After 3 years we left this townhouse only 3 days ago and have settled into a new place once again. Well, the place isn’t new, in fact it’s an old house in the hills of Mill Valley, only a hundred yards away from the Bay and a gorgeous jogging and bike path that stretches over several miles into Sausalito.
While the surroundings are definitely a lot more convenient and much more beautiful (see photo here of the actual dog park by the tree on the left, taken by Dan Heller), the actual living space is not beautiful at all. I am finding myself sitting here and wondering how I ever got to this place. Then I ask myself what “this place” really means. Who is it that is judging? What is “this place” and why does it feel and sound like a complaint? After all, I pay $1000 less rent per month, which is a huge deal, and have at least 50% less traveling to do in my car because of this new location. And on and on I could go with the positives. Yet, I'm stuck on the negatives...
While emptying boxes with a slight to moderate attitude about various things, I wondered how I had become such a snob. Why was this new place “not good enough” or “beneath” what I should have at this stage in my life? Who says how things should be anyhow? Why was I so darn unsatisfied about seemingly taking a few steps backwards rather than forward? After all, I moved into a space half the size giving away more than half of my belongings, none of which was older than two years…Why this rumbling complaining?I still needed to go pick up our one year old puppy from my friend who kept him for a few days while we took care of the move. Here is a picture of our little "ham." We picked him up and he sat on my daughter’s lap while driving to our new place. I was about to witness a great miracle, perhaps with little to no meaning to anyone, except me. And I will share it nonetheless…
Here are some pictures of the views I enjoyed in the townhouse I just moved out of. Pictures of the new place are soon to come. I was in particular exited to show him his new yard. We moved from a townhouse on a hill with 3 balconies but no yard, to the bottom half of a duplex with a yard just for him (and us of course). I was certain that he would want to spend most of his time in the yard playing around and being outside. How wrong I was.After he sniffed along the path to his new place he "christened" his one new bush and walked into his home and jumped up at us squealing of joy to see us after having been gone all these days (he was gone for 3 days). He kept jumping on our laps as if he hadn’t seen us in 3 decades. We walked him around the yard but he wasn’t interested in anything except being close to us and showing us how much he missed us.
This is his second day here at this new place and while he seems to have settled in just perfectly, all he seems to be interested in is being close to one of us. He was like this at our old place; he hasn't changed, his attitude is still the same: he wants us; he doesn't care about the new surroundings, the yard, the new dog park (the old one was just fine). All he cares about it being close to us and spending time with one of us.
We went to the new dog park twice today and he doesn’t care about the new dogs as much, he just cares about being able to run around while smelling all the new aromas on the field and he doesn’t leave my side.
Why is it that we as human beings can’t or won’t adjust to change as quickly and as willingly as our “best friends” do? All they care about is being close to us. Yet when we are about to change our lives we start to worry about everything else except the people that we want to be closest to in the first place. Being in this new place allows me to work part time and remain a stay-home Mom to my teenager daughter. She is almost 15 and last night she asked me to snuggle in her bed with her before I go to bed. Such a bond between mothers and teenage daughters is not an every-day occurance and I am realizing that just like my puppy displays affection so openly, my daughter wants to spend time with me too (even though she has a teenage way of expressing it at times). Yet how often have I sacrificed my time with my child for a better place to live (and said that I do it for my family)?
So I’m learning once again that I need to live in the moment. Thinking ahead has its time and place and is certainly advantageous when applied correctly. Unfortunately I find myself worrying more than anything when I think of anything other than just this very moment, which is all I have in reality anyway. No value can ever be place on Time. Time is all anyone ever wants. So much so that we pay therapists big bucks for them to give us the undivided time and attention that no one else in our lives seems to give us!
I’m realizing that I have not meditated as much and as thoroughly and deeply and as freely as I used to in the past. These past few weeks have been stressful, the packing, the selling and giving away of furniture, helping my landlady find a new tenant for my old place and helping 4 women graduate this Wednesday by helping them get their first business plans together, has all been a lot of work. I also launched my new website, http://www.inspirationtolive.com, and although it’s a work in progress, it was a lot of writing and designing with still more to come.
Many of you are out there keeping busy for good reasons and not so good reasons. No matter what your reasons are and in "what name" you do it for (supposedly), don't forget that you can't buy the present time with money, no matter how hard you try. Although I have quite a few things I can “check” off my to-do list, I have to continually ask myself: “What have I REALLY accomplished over these past few days/weeks/months? Whom have I really, really helped? Has my life and my existence meant something to anyone over these past few weeks? Was anyone glad that I was here? Or was my life in vain over these past few months?”
I don’t ever want to spend days in vain, or even hours. I want to walk in this four-layered body suit of mine with intention and consciousness and purpose through this journey called life. And so I am at peace and I rest that there is a grander purpose for me to be here on this street, in this town, in this little place at this moment in time. It’s not forever, it’s just for now…
So wherever you are, good or bad, know that it’s only temporary. But also acknowledge that you got yourself there and that it is by your choice that you are where you are. And it will be by your choice to move on from where you are now, to a new place that hopefully represents growth on your evolutionary journey.
I am sending you blessings and love and only rays of sunshine to brighten your journey!
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
8:22 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
When Sex Becomes a "Weapon"
Exciting things are happening over here. My daughter and I are moving to a new location, new place, new surroundings, new city. We’re both exited and nervous at the same time, and exhausted because we only have one more day to finish packing and giving away what we can’t take with us. We are moving into a space half the size. It’s so great to de-clutter!
Before I log off for a couple of days, I just had to write to everyone because this has been a burning question on my mind.
A man was telling me that he had been having a really rough time in his marriage and while counseling keeps a band aid on things, it is not fixing the overall issue; which of course is a mismatch in their chemical make-up (their blood runs on a different frequency). Meanwhile, feeling stuck in his marriage and tied down by his obligation, his promise and his desire to want to do the right thing, he is giving up more and more of himself, in order to keep the oh-so-detrimental promise: “Until Death Do Us Part.”
A friend of his told him that “it’s cheaper to keep’er” in the long run. "Yes, but at what cost," I asked him. He is the only bread winner while she’s at home spending most of his money. It’s driving him insane how she can spend money.
Then we got to talk about their sex life and sadly enough, when a couple has sex 2 times per year (yes, you heard me right, per year), then it may be time to sit down and do some serious meditating (soul searching as some would call it). I asked him if he ever cheated on her and he said “no,” although he’s been tempted and opportunity definitely has been calling. While he does not seem the type to go out and do the dishonorable thing, when is Enough enough and when is his breaking point?
Women can go without sex for a long, loooong time, without even missing it. This is especially true once they have little children running around. For most women sex is primarily emotional, not physical. So if the emotional needs can be met taking care of their children and by spending lots of money, why should she give up her body when she doesn’t feel like it? It takes a really strong woman to continually work on her own sexuality and to continue fostering those feelings of Want for her partner and to realize that men do work differently physically and to continually deny them their body is like a death sentence to their marriage.
It’s a sad, sad situation and yet so true for so many couples. I was one of those couples not too long ago, and I remember the years when our frequency of sex was 2, perhaps 3 times per year. Ouch.
If you look at it from his side, is it any wonder if he would end up cheating on her? He’s working hard, making all the money, coming home to a wife who instead of taking care of his physical/sexual needs is handing him receipts for more things she bought while he was gone. He’s caught in the middle because he cannot bare leaving his children. Knowing the court system of today, most fathers are truly getting the shorter end of the stick. This includes the dead-beat Dads and the good Dads.
He has met a woman who is single, has not had any sex in quite a few years herself and has absolutely no intention of breaking up anyone’s marriage. Yet their sexual tension nonetheless exists, they are attracted to each other and while they agree not to dishonor and hurt anyone, the tension gets tighter and tighter, as if a rubber band is being pulled apart. When the rubber band snaps, what do you think will happen?
Is it any wonder if this man “breaks” and “gives in”? Could anyone blame him?
So what is the solution, not only for these people here, but for everyone out there who is in the same situation?
When is Enough enough?
I am still meditating on this one because I feel too close to the situation since I know this man and I can see his pain in this face. I have never been cheated on and I have never cheated on anyone. But I do remember the temptation when I felt rejected by my husband over and over. I was there and if the right opportunity would have presented itself, perhaps I would not have been strong enough to keep my promise.
This man loves his children more than anything and doesn’t want to lose them. At the same time he’s a man with needs and wants and desires, which he does not get met by his supposed life partner.
What’s a man to do?
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
8:23 PM
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