A friend of mine who has been married over 15 years has had her share of heart ache with her husband, like most couples do. Every time they get “into it” she gets closer and closer to the inevitable decision she may one day have to make: “I’ve had enough, THIS broke the camel’s back, I’m outta here.” Each time they fight her physical body seems to be taking a longer and longer toll and requires more time to “heal” to come off the anger-rush. This last time it took her almost one full week to feel like she could function again. The week in turmoil was spent barely functioning in any of her other areas of life; work suffered, she was tense with her friends and her children, she lost interest in most day-to-day things and so on. Sounds familiar?
And yet a week later she apologized, he apologized and things slowly mended back to where they were before. Because of the children they don’t want to break up. Oh and also because they deep down truly love each other (yeah right). And after all, at least he’s not a beater, a cheater, a drunk or a drug addict, and he’s a great father after all – so it must not be that bad. And I really don’t want to be single again, what if I never find anyone else?

So stop trying - stop wasting your precious time on partners that are not your match. Yes, this is easier said then done. Yet I promise that it’s easier than you think.
Does this mean that two people need to give up who they are or forget about their own purpose here on earth? On the contrary. The problem is that most people underestimate their own power and don’t know WHAT and WHO they are and they blindly merge themselves with another person not even realizing that they are trying to create water (magic) with this other person. Water, however, can only be created when the two components are a 100% match. Otherwise you have a chemical mismatch. Thus we get sick, physically, emotionally, spiritually, we die from the inside out – slowly but surely – until the stronger partner is almost destroyed. The weaker partner will have enough juice to keep going, because s/he feeds off the stronger partner’s energy field.
The same thing happens when two people merge, because our bodies are chemical suits. And just because the sex is great doesn’t mean THAT is your life partner. As a race we have to learn to grow beyond the evolutionary step ladder of primal procreation and learn that this is about raising the frequency of the entire galaxy so all mankind can be raised to a level of consciousness.
Water in this example can be likened to MAGIC. When two matching partners come to together, they do so to create magic, not only for themselves, but for the world. Such a union is truly one-of-a-kind, rare and so blessed.
More on this later…
And yet a week later she apologized, he apologized and things slowly mended back to where they were before. Because of the children they don’t want to break up. Oh and also because they deep down truly love each other (yeah right). And after all, at least he’s not a beater, a cheater, a drunk or a drug addict, and he’s a great father after all – so it must not be that bad. And I really don’t want to be single again, what if I never find anyone else?

Who are you kidding?
Most spend their life time trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. And the fact doesn’t change: if it doesn’t fit now it won’t fit tomorrow and it certainly won't fit 20 years from now! And what’s worse, trying to do so actually will reduce your life span. You can’t live with someone who is energetically and vibrationally incompatible with you, without getting sick or die early. People are desperate not to be alone and when loneliness overpowers people they will settle for anybody - a jerk, a witch, a loser, anyone will do - as long as we they are not alone. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Most spend their life time trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. And the fact doesn’t change: if it doesn’t fit now it won’t fit tomorrow and it certainly won't fit 20 years from now! And what’s worse, trying to do so actually will reduce your life span. You can’t live with someone who is energetically and vibrationally incompatible with you, without getting sick or die early. People are desperate not to be alone and when loneliness overpowers people they will settle for anybody - a jerk, a witch, a loser, anyone will do - as long as we they are not alone. It doesn’t have to be this way.
So stop trying - stop wasting your precious time on partners that are not your match. Yes, this is easier said then done. Yet I promise that it’s easier than you think.

- Here is your first clue: It comes down to simple math.
- Here is your second clue: Nature is our greatest teacher and shows us countless examples of what true unity is all about.
Unfortunately, most are still stuck in the primal dark ages where “sex is natural” and therefore to be exercised as much as possible, with as many people as possible. Little do most people know what really happens during those special moments, whether you are with the right person or not. And even less do people think of the consequences that come from such mismatching.

- Here is your second clue: Nature is our greatest teacher and shows us countless examples of what true unity is all about.
Unfortunately, most are still stuck in the primal dark ages where “sex is natural” and therefore to be exercised as much as possible, with as many people as possible. Little do most people know what really happens during those special moments, whether you are with the right person or not. And even less do people think of the consequences that come from such mismatching.
Here is a first insight again. We are made of 70-80% water. Water is created by merging the right parts of hydrogen (male) with the right parts of oxygen (female). Once water is created, both hydrogen and oxygen DISAPPEAR and VOID each other in order to create something a lot more powerful than if oxygen or hydrogen were to stay “single.”
Does this mean that two people need to give up who they are or forget about their own purpose here on earth? On the contrary. The problem is that most people underestimate their own power and don’t know WHAT and WHO they are and they blindly merge themselves with another person not even realizing that they are trying to create water (magic) with this other person. Water, however, can only be created when the two components are a 100% match. Otherwise you have a chemical mismatch. Thus we get sick, physically, emotionally, spiritually, we die from the inside out – slowly but surely – until the stronger partner is almost destroyed. The weaker partner will have enough juice to keep going, because s/he feeds off the stronger partner’s energy field.
Again, if you mix hydrogen (male) with peroxide (female) you'll have a good match but not a perfect match. Hydrogen and Peroxide do not void each other out in order to create something even more powerful, so they are left to clean wounds...a nobel duty, but nothing earth shattering.
The same thing happens when two people merge, because our bodies are chemical suits. And just because the sex is great doesn’t mean THAT is your life partner. As a race we have to learn to grow beyond the evolutionary step ladder of primal procreation and learn that this is about raising the frequency of the entire galaxy so all mankind can be raised to a level of consciousness.
Water in this example can be likened to MAGIC. When two matching partners come to together, they do so to create magic, not only for themselves, but for the world. Such a union is truly one-of-a-kind, rare and so blessed.
1 comment:
Very cool analogy! I am so glad I found this place of peace in the blogosphere!!
Love and magic,
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