Yet today’s main health problems are all stress related and it’s no wonder when we have learned to program our minds with information that is meant to scare us when it comes to our diet. Is it any wonder that we suffer from diseases today that didn’t exist two decades ago?
Why have we let this happen to us as a society? What’s the benefit to us for the diet industry to have such a tight grip on us? And why have we willingly become their slaves?
As human beings we have created these magnificent bodies to live in so we can do what we have come here to do. We are meant to nourish these vehicles, to enjoy them, treat them well and savor every experience while in this body. For some reason over the past few years our bodies seemed to have become enemies instead of our best friends. The media never fails to attack body parts: “Fight off your unsightly cellulite.” “Get rid of your love handles.” And on and on do we hear about how we need to mold our bodies, reshape them and even go under the knife to look what others want us to look like. So for once I dare you to demand your freedom back and practice gratitude for your body. It’s your only prototype, take well care of it.

These 4 starter points can help:
Start looking “inside” for answers: Whatever it is you’re looking for, you can find any and all answers inside of you. If you’ve been told that you are suffering from an illness, turn to your Higher Self for answers. You created the disease over time, perhaps over life times; ask your Self for details and how to heal yourself. Even if you feel at a breaking point, there is always a way out from under the seemingly unbearable pressure. Seek the answers with all your heart and your Higher Self will answer and show you the path to full recovery.
Meditation and breath work: I can’t stress the important of spending time alone with your Self in silence. Start your time alone by breathing with intention. Watch your breathing throughout your day and take deeps breaths throughout your day. Meditation is hard for most people because they feel they’re not doing anything. That’s exactly the point; we are human beings, not human doings. And peace and happiness come from a state of being.
Make use of your body: Our bodies were created to move us around from place to place, for physical labor and to help us achieve what we have come to achieve here on Earth. In European countries people walk an average of 2 miles per day just by doing every day things. In the US we barely walk at all because of the convenience of our cars, or because we just too lazy. Your body longs to move around; sign up for a gym membership or purposely go about using your body by getting your heart rate up and sweating at least once a day.
Love your body, all of it, and be kind to it: As a society we have come to learn to hate our bodies or at least parts of it. Imagine the leader of our country broadcasting on national television that he hated and disliked us – we would have instantaneous war amongst ourselves. And yet, isn’t that what we are doing to the 70 trillion living cells that make up our body when we tell one part that we don’t like it? How can you expect your body to work in peace and in cooperation with each member when you tell one part that it is defective in some way? Say nice things to your body for the parts that do work and the parts that you do like. Start somewhere, then expand as you start feeling the 70 trillion living cells suddenly work together to help you create a body that is truly at peace within its members. You will be amazed at the difference!
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