Yesterday I ran into someone whom I hadn't seen in over 5 years. The person graciously shared with me a flattering thought they had about me many years ago - unbeknownst to me. It made me blush and yet the invisible pat on the back was surely an ego boost. Ever wonder why it is that others can see our qualities better than we give ourselves credit for?
I often walk through life feeling so much "less than" others, less important, less educated, less wealthy, like they have it all together when I am struggling still "at this age" when I "should be" so much farther along. And so on. Yet teaching this new class of wonderful women I am learning that everyone has the same insecurities and vulnerabilities.
Yet by feeling insecure we are not helping anyone, especially not ourselves...or those that we want to help so much.
Perhaps these words from Christian Larson will boost your self-esteem like they have mine:
"When you think of yourself do not think of that part of yourself that appears on the surface. That part is the smaller part and the lesser should not be pictured in mind. Think of your larger self, the immense subconscious self that is limitless both in power and in possibility. Believe in yourself but not simply in a part of yourself. Give constant recognition to all that is in you, and, in that all have full faith and confidence. Give the bigger being on he inside full right of way. Believe thoroughly in your greater interior self. Know that you have something within you that is great than any obstacle, circumstance or difficulty that you can possibly meet. Then in the full faith in this greater something, proceed with your work."
Monday, May 12, 2008
Believe in your Self
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
6:29 AM
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Thank you for respecting that all material on this blog is copyright protected and may not be copied and/or published elsewhere. If you would like to interview Chaszey or get permission to publish any parts of her writings, please contact her directly at
Here is another hug, boost, whatever you want to call it but...and I have said this before...what you write and share on this blog has become so important to me. I sincerely believe that "meeting" you has helped me move farther along on my spiritual awakening journey.
I was thinking about a couple months ago when I was attracted here...where I was then, and where I am now...big difference and you, your heart, your mind, your story, has been a HUGE part of it.
You are very valuable in my life and I have never shaken your hand, or given you a physical hug.
I hope someday that I will be able to "give" you something that would even come close to what you have given me. For now, how about some deep appreciation that you are in my world, and some love from a stranger!
Sending you rays of light and love,
Dear Lionel,
You are very special to me too and if we never meet physically on this plane, I'm sure we'll meet on the "other side" eventually. Until then, it's awesome to know to have a friend some distance away. And the greatest part is that it's so unconditional!
I'm so happy for your journey over the past couple of months. I'm proud of you and yes, I'm certainly accompanying you on your journey, with my spirit. So you hang in there and be the best you already are - and the world around has no choice but to mold itself to the great "I am" you are...
Rays of light to brighten your days and night always...
PS: How are you doing on my eBook?
wow my furniture blog came up! I have not read your ebook for a while...I plan to get back to it...the last I read was about the zodiac signs!!
thanks for your love
and you are right, unconditional friendship and love are the truest forms!
Weird, my new site for my side business came up..up well!
And the greatest part is that it's so unconditional!
You nailed it there my lovely friend! I need to get back to the ebook! The last read was on the zodiac stuff!
Thanks for being here as I am with you!
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