Whether we are in physical or emotional pain, often the emotional pain is much more overpowering than the physical pain. Often we wish that someone could wave a "magic wand" to make this agony go away. The funny part is, we do have a magic wand, it came with the castle we built for ourselves so long ago. We just have replaced it and can’t find it anymore because we’ve been spending too much time in the dungeon and not enough time in the grand ballroom. So we run through our castle screaming for someone to get the darn magic wand and heal us already. Yet little do we remember that everyone else is staff and not authorized to touch the magic wand. And even if they did, it only works when we use it and use it the right way.
No one is allowed to remove our pain from someone else's journey and their life path. Doing so is robbing them of their own path and their own lessons. It’s like pulling the sticky stuff off a butterfly that is struggling to free itself from its cocoon. If we do, the butterfly will die because it will be unable to fly unless it has managed to free itself from its own cocoon. Yet how often do we go to someone else asking them to free our wings? And how often do we aid in the inevitable tragedy of disabling the person to fly on their own?
It’s hard to watch someone suffer. And obviously if we can help without disturbing or interrupting the course of their life, then we help. That’s what life may be all about. Defining the difference, however, may be one of our hardest lessons.
I remember belonging to a church group many, many years ago and each week the women got into circles to pray; everyone took turns. Now I recall that we all seemed to beg God to do something for us or for someone else. “God, I beg you to…” usually was contained in everyone’s prayer somewhere. We don’t have to beg, we just have to get clear about what we want, what we truly want. Because we’re also told that if we seek with our whole heart and all of our mind, we shall find it. And of course, later we’re told that the kingdom of heaven doesn’t have to be found at all because it’s already within us. We’re the master architect of this amazing castle, we are the kings and queens, gods and goddesses of our own castles; we designed the place we live in (our bodies), and yet somehow after we moved in we decided to move into the dungeon rather than celebrating where it’s light and sunny.
So how did this law of balance become my most visited guest? One day I realized that everything and everyone around me, including my own body, is here representing as a symbol. Everything I see and don’t see is a reflection of what I first put out into the Universe. It was then that I was able to start removing myself from my Self and become the observer and literally detach myself from my Self. I hope this makes sense. It was the day I realized that I was sitting in my dungeon awaiting trial, hoping that someone would come forward and proclaim my innocence. I was waiting for someone to open the thick, squeeky, wooden door to this dark place, and set me free. Someone did come, but not to set me free, just to let me know that the trial I had been waiting for was fabricated in my own mind and that no one would ever come to set me free - it was ME that could set me free because it was ME that put my Self into the dungeon. I went there willingly (perhaps ignorantly, but definitely willingly).When I started to slowly accept that everything is one and everyone is one and the same, then I also started to realize that I am just as responsible for the 9/11 bombing as if I would have flown the plane myself. No, I wasn’t there and obviously I’m not a terrorist. However, I have chosen to live in this world at this time and every experience everyone is experiencing at this time is indirectly (and directly) very much affecting our world as a whole. It’s called mass consciousness. I stopped watching TV a long time ago and can barely go to the movies to watch a G rated movie because of the harsh sounds and the big pictures rushing at me. My body and being have become extremely sensitive. I don’t watch the news, don’t read the newspaper, it’s just bad news that comes to me a day late to remind me that there is nothing I can do about it anyway. The world has problems, that’s no news, I don’t need to know the details and stress over it. What’s important will come to me through other means, and it always does.
And suddenly something interesting happened. Even though it seemed as though I wanted to take the ostrich approach and stick my head in the sand and pretend that the evil doesn’t exist in the world, my intentions were the opposite. Suddenly the parts that did find me were magnified and I knew that I could and had to do something about those things. And I did, and I do. Suddenly I pick up on the CAUSE of this things rather than hearing and agonizing about the effects plaguing the world. Feeling other people’s pain from all this distance at first was almost unbearable, then I realized that I could help by taking responsibility. Even if I didn’t pull the trigger, didn’t bomb that city and didn’t fly that plane into a building, I felt responsible by living at this time, and I apologized. And I asked for forgiveness. And I said “I love you.” Not to anyone in particular, just “I love you.” Perhaps I said it to the world, the Universe, the people who were doing these things, the people who had to endure them. It didn’t matter anymore. I just wanted to remove myself and say “I apologize, I forgive you, I love you.”
Later when I read one of Dr. Emoto’s books about frequency and vibrations, I learned that the highest vibrations comes with love, forgiveness, respect and gratitude. I was already doing the first part of this and simply added the second part: respect and gratitude.
“Now hold on a second,” you may ask. “I’m not only supposed to forgive this bastard for what he did to me AND apologize for what he did to me AND then say I love you??? But now I’m also supposed to respect that person and be grateful for him?? I didn’t do anything – I am the victim! You must be out of your mind!”
Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I never said it was going to be easy. I promise however, that it works!
This is going to be challenging but trust me, it works and it works every time - do not dismiss the simplicity of this. Find a mantra, an affirmation, a prayer, whatever you call it, that is filled with love for the person you once loved. Yes, today you may dislike this person and possibly even hate them. Yet the hate and dislike is bouncing back to you and those around you (our liver by the way is the anger center in our body, anger towards other people always shows up in our liver). Moving forward on a path of hatred and dislike will only get you sicker, not healthier. First and foremost we need to heal our hearts, then our bodies will be healed automatically and then our outward world and finances will fall into place. Let's find the cause first. All effect will fall by the way side. IF you can do this, I'm sure the heavens don't lie, your love will conquer all because love never fails; come from that place first and all else will work itself out; THAT I know for sure. If anyone needs help with their mantra or their affirmation, just send me an e-mail. I would be more than happy to give you feedback on your mantra, if you need help with it. It's important that you pick only positive statements and that you make it short and sweet; no beating around the bush, no double meanings, etc. When I have "enemies" then I go back to the basic items that are important to everyone: My mantra for my enemies is always the same:
- I'm sorry (I take 100% responsibility for the other person's actions);
- I forgive you (for everything and anything);
- I love you (the core essence of you, that doesn't mean I have to love what they did to me, I just love the essence of them which is the same as mine);
- I respect you (that you are a seedling of light just as I am);
- I am grateful for you (when I'm hitting the depths and the lows is when I learn all my lessons, the heights are for my enjoyment only, rarely do I learn my life lessons on the heights, they always come in the depths, so I thank my adversaries for these lessons, because of them I can grow).
My 5-CD Audio Program features over 6 hours of these lessons. It is now available also in e-Book format featuring over 340 pages of wisdom, photos, diagrams and charts. Visit http://www.itsmyweightloss.com/products for more information.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
How to Forgive and Get Happiness and Peace
Try it and please let me know how you're doing! Cyber hugs and rays of light to accompany all of you on your journeys.
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
12:11 PM
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