We covered the Mineral and Plant Kingdom. Today, let’s look at the animal and the kingdom that lives within us as humans.
Unlike a rock that is in a constant hypnotic state and a plant or tree that is in a constant peaceful trance, both without an ego trying to make them go out and fight for their very existence, animals and humans are very much driven by ego; we’re here to stay, with one purpose in mind: survival. Survival is led and managed by its ruler, the Ego.
Animals can be categorized into groups of meat-eaters, plant-eaters or those that enjoy a mixed diet. If you’ve ever noticed animals within those groups when they are eating, it’s interesting to watch that a plant-eating animal seems a lot more peaceful and calm than a meat-eating animal that gobbles down the food without chewing it at all. A plant-eating animal literally takes on the cell memories of the plant diet and therefore is a lot calmer overall. A meat-eating animal is struggling with ego, it’s about survival, it’s about having enough, getting enough and eating as fast as possible.
Where does this put us?
Throughout the ages we have been taught by many wise teachers that we are created in God’s image, that we are to rule over every living creature on earth. And man has done just that. Whether we’re doing a good job at it or not is not the point here.Everything is in the process of becoming. We never stay stagnant, we never stay still. We either grow or we shrink. This includes all beings on this planet, including the animals which we were given the responsibility to rule. We have been entrusted with their well-being and their growth. Today, however we have gone as far as forcing plant-eating animals to become meat-eaters. Was this the type of ruler we were meant to become?
Back to the ego inside our cells. Cells of animals who are meat eaters have a tremendous amount of fighter instinct and are ruled almost exclusively by survival. The very instinct your body is eating and will have to digest. Most of our bodies are such phenomenal laboratories, that we digest a piece of meat just fine. However, it’s the ego within the meat-eating cell that cannot be digested and does not serve us to obtain or sustain a meditative state. It’s as if our ego merged with the ego of a piece of meat go to war within our bodies, with the stronger one to survive. Yes, our cell will most likely survive, otherwise the result is disease, cancer and so on. THINK ABOUT THIS.
Eating foods from plants and fruits is our lot. We were also told the following: “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Gen. 1:29)
Think about this and watch the following over the next few days. People who eat a lot of meat eat a lot more frequently than people who are vegans or vegetarians. Their bodies have to eat a lot more frequently because the meat-eating ego is fighting with the human ego. The human ego will win in the long run because we are given the “ruler status,” the path however is a turbulent one and often one accompanied by disease.
Am I trying to make you a vegetarian or even a vegan? Absolutely not. This is food for thought. The question is: What do you want with your life? Are you fully at peace or could you use a bit more peace in your life? Could your marriage use more peace? And is your body really feeling at peace?
I want peace more than I want excitement. I want to know that I’ve done my best and supported all beings to become the best they have come to be.
Happy Holidays to those of you who celebrate! And may all your wishes and dreams come true. But most of all I pray for peace for each and everyone of you!
PS: If you’ve liked this posting, make sure you get the free free report from my site and take a look at my 6-hour audio course, which is also available in e-Book format. The entire course is based on philosophies that make you think, change and grow beyond your wildest dreams.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Four Kingdoms Part 2 of 2
Posted by
Bianca Moriah
8:31 AM
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